
Even though technology is essential for the success of a virtual school program, it is secondary to the real issue of meeting student needs and maximizing achievement. For full time fast students, the Fast Track Program provides the necessary level of technology to help students and their families for:

  • Online communication and access to required resources.

  • Access to online courses that are offered through district approved curriculum as well as approved third party online classes.

  • Student research, productivity and online learning tool.

Fast Track

Fast Track will exclusively feature Apple products for our student's technology needs. With a stable operating system and a variety of apps and features to satisfy the digital lifestyle of today's students, Apple computers and devices are the logical choice. The Ketchikan School District employs certified Apple technicians to assist families with any problems that may arise with the hardware and online resources provided by the district.

A critical component to our academic program is Internet access. Fast Track provides a separate internet fund to full time families.(Internet reimbursement for students who enroll after October 31 is subject to administrative approval)

Check with a the Fast Track Administrative Office regarding the technology options for your child, including printers and other necessary peripherals.

Fast Track Technical assistance is available for all district-owned technology equipment. Please do not alter Fast Track hardware in any way as it may void warranty agreements. If you have any questions or need assistance setting up or maintaining your computer equipment, please do not hesitate to call or email the Fast Track office.

All technology equipment remains the property of the Ketchikan Gateway Borough School District.